Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Little Silence

I realized recently that I'm going about this whole social thing all wrong.  I'm going to spend some time off of facebook to think about how I portray myself and what I say to people in social situations.  I have a feeling that my feelings are not necessarily the best thing to talk about.  The things that are most important to me are irritating and trivial to most other people, so my indignant protests and pleas for justice will only rub people the wrong way.

I will never compromise my struggle to bring vindication to the oppressed.  I now realize very vividly how much my emotions cloud my judgment.  The degree to which my human nature occludes my ability to think rationally is off-putting.  I deign to fix this.  So I need to seek humility in my day-to-day, for the sake of pride in the future I can build.

While in Baltimore for ACDA, I picked up a few books that I think will help me introspect a bit more carefully.  I used to be a thoughtful person.  Then I answered the questions I had started out with, and I stopped being thoughtful.  One of these books in particular has given me many new questions to ask, and I hope to once again meditate on how I can, well, be better to other people.  I don't want to be caught up in the smokescreen of my own short temper and poor diplomatic abilities.

I'm really good at alienating people by taking about animal rights, and that's just not helping animal rights.  So for the sake of the innocent souls who know nothing but torture, I have to change my ways.  I owe it to the 1000 innocent animals I am responsible for murdering.  I owe it to the 150,000,000,000 nonhumans slaughtered needlessly every year.  I must represent them in the way that truly serves them.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.  There's a lot more that I'm doing wrong, but don't know how to fix.  Hopefully some time in a cloister of sorts will give me the chance to figure out other ways to heal, better ways to end injustice, new ways to express my love for this beautiful world, and better ways to spread peaceful coexistence of those who are wildly different from one another.

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