Thursday, April 4, 2013

What I Don't Think

I've started everything too late.  There's no way I can learn how to be the writer, poet, artist, musician, linguist, scientist I want to be.  I'll have to settle for being a subpar scientist who tried to be a jack of all trades and succeeded at nothing.  I'll wind up doing research in some no-name university and make tiny bits of progress in an area that doesn't really matter.  The academic networking enterprise I wish to create is doomed to failure and nothing I do in life will ever matter.


I do not believe this.  Any of it.  I will not.  Even if it is all true, I refuse to accept hopelessness, and I will do whatever it takes to reach my dreams.

Dreams.  Those are much grander than I've lately been thinking.  I don't know if I can keep going if there's only one thing that matters - especially if my passion for that one thing is mired in a grief mutually exclusive with daily happiness.  I have many dreams, and I need to be able to pursue them without feeling guilty about forsaking the primary one.  Balance my pursuits with one another.  Become everything that I can, experience everything that life has to offer -- hell, simply to live!

I want to start living again!  I want to feel the things I used to feel, embrace the Universe, be one with the world I'm in!  I'm tired of being something that isn't me.  I know who I am.  I refuse to be shackled by circumstance, by my inhibitions, by my reservations, and by my insecurities.

I put myself down so that I don't stand out.  I have to stop.  It hurts me; all of the artificial modesty and the compensatory superiority complexes.  I used to have such a great handle on my place in the world, but I'm losing it.  If I don't regain it, I may be lost in a way only capable of being expressed by euphemisms.  I've been there, and I feel like I'm looking back down at the same place from a precarious perch above.

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